At Newcastle Cricket Club, we encourage equality, diversity and inclusion amongst our membership and, as such, operate an open membership policy. To become a member of Newcastle Cricket Club, please select your membership option below, complete the form and pay the associated fee after agreeing to the associated Codes of Conduct. It’s as simple as that. We look forward to welcoming you into the cricketing family!
- Bar Discounts
- Use all sports facilities
- Play for a team
- Vote
- Option to pay by installments
- £10 off Annual Dinner ticket
Student Men
- Bar Discounts
- Use all sports facilities
- Play for a team
- Vote
- Option to pay by installments
- £10 off Annual Dinner ticket
- Bar Discounts
- Use all sports facilities
- Play for a team
- Vote
- Option to pay by installments
- £10 off Annual Dinner ticket
Student Women
- Bar Discounts
- Use all sports facilities
- Play for a team
- Vote
- Option to pay by installments
- £10 off Annual Dinner ticket
Junior Boys - First Child
- Use All Sports Facilities
- All training included in the membership cost above
- Both Parents/Guardians gets Social Non-voting Membership included
Junior Boys - Additional Children
- Use All Sports Facilities
- All training included in the membership cost above
Junior Girls - First Child
- Use All Sports Facilities
- Weekly training sessions at £5 per session
- One Parent/Guardian gets Social Non-voting Membership included.
Junior Girls - Additional Children
- Use All Sports Facilities
- Weekly training sessions at £5 per session
Social Voting
- Bar discount
- Voting
Social Non-voting
- Bar discount
- Bar discount
Discounted spouse/partner membership is available for playing or social members and can only be processed if taken when the main social membership is applied for.
Click here to register for new or renewed membership
Click here to access your existing membership account on LoveAdmin
Senior Player renewals are payable no later than 1 May if you wish to play for a team in the new season. Please note that we reserve the right to exclude players from games if membership fees have not been paid after 1 May.
All membership categories have a 3 month spread payment option.
All Juniors must sign up as members for insurance purposes.
Junior training sessions are included in the upfront membership costs.
Member Code of Conduct
- All Members and Guests of Newcastle Cricket Club will:
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person within the context of Cricket. - Treat everyone equally and not discriminate on the grounds of age, gender, disability, race, ethnic origin, nationality, colour, parental or marital status, religious belief, class or social background, sexual preference or political belief.
- Not condone, or allow to go unchallenged, any form of discrimination if witnessed.
- Display high standards of behaviour.
- Promote the positive aspects of Cricket e.g. fair play.
- Encourage all participants to learn the Laws and rules and play within them, respecting the decisions of match officials. Actively discourage unfair play, rule violations and arguing with match officials.
- Recognise good performance not just match results.
- Place the well-being and safety of Young People above the development of performance.
- Ensure that activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
- Respect Young People’s opinions when making decisions about their participation in Cricket.
- Not smoke, drink or use banned substances whilst actively working with Young People in the Club nor provide Young People with alcohol when they are under the care of the Club.
- Follow ECB guidelines set out in the “Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children’ and any other relevant guidelines issued.
- Report any concerns in relation to a Young Person, following reporting procedures laid down by the ECB.
In addition to the above, all Club Officers and Appointed Volunteers will:
- Hold relevant qualifications and be covered by appropriate insurance.
- Always work in an open environment (i.e. avoid private or unobserved situations and encourage an open environment).
- Inform Players and Parents of the requirements of Cricket.
- Know and understand the ECB’s ‘Safe Hands – Cricket’s Policy for Safeguarding Children.
Code of Conduct for Junior Members and Parents
Newcastle C.C. is committed to promoting the safety and well being of all members.
It is important that all members, whether officials, coaches, players or social members of the Club, should at all times show respect and be open at all times. They should share any cause for concern or complaint about the Club with members of the Management Committee or, if appropriate with the Club Welfare Officer, Nick Humble.
1. Encourage your child to learn the rules and to play within them.
2. Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.
3. Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
4. Never force your child to take part in sport.
5. Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
6. Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
7. Publicly accept officials’ judgements.
8. Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
9. Use correct and proper language at all times.
As a junior member of Newcastle C.C. you are expected to abide by the following junior club rules:
1. You must play within the rules and respect officials and their decisions.
2. You must respect your opponents.
3. You must keep to agreed times for training and competitions, or inform your coach or team manager if you are going to be late.
4. You must wear suitable kit for training and competitions as agreed with your coach or team manager.
5. You must pay any fees promptly.
6. You are not allowed to smoke or consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the club premises or while representing the club.
Pavilion and Ground by-laws
1. Parents and carers are asked to ensure the health and safety of children by taking care to watch for cricket balls crossing the boundary at speed – please warn young people to be aware of these risks at all parts of the ground.
2. Dogs are permitted within the ground and pavilion bar but must be kept under control at all times. Dogs must be kept off the playing surface at all times.
3. Alcohol must not be brought into the ground or Pavilion except when a corkage arrangement has been agreed with the Manager.
4. Adults should refrain from playing football on the field. Younger children may play on the outfield providing there is no cricket match on and by discretion of the member of staff on duty.
5. Any broken glass must be reported to the bar staff as soon as possible.